Books and Products

You believe you have the skills to perform at your best, but something is getting in your way.
You prepare, prepare, prepare, and then freeze (or over-exert and blow up) when it comes time to “deliver the goods”.
Self-criticism, worry, anxiety, or “stage fright” are running your show.
You want to get better results from your hard work and commitment so you can achieve your true potential.
Whatever your performance endeavor—be it in the arts, sport, work, recreation, academics, relationships, parenting, or any skill you want to achieve—PERFORMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR GAME will help you maximize
your strengths and increase your adaptability, resiliency, control, and confidence.
If you are looking to improve your own performance, this is the book for you. If you are a teacher, coach, director, manager, or supervisor looking to improve your group’s performance, this is the book for you.
Drawing upon her multi-decade careers in both the performing arts and counseling psychology, author Shirley Stratton Dorritie distills a unique mix of strengths-based, brain and body-oriented approaches into practical strategies
for achieving consistent, reliable performance—regardless of the conditions.
Combining easy-to-understand theory with experiential practices, this book includes instructions, activities, and worksheets that will help you to:
• Understand the key experiences and obstacles that all performers encounter—regardless of their endeavor.
• Discover what happens in your body and brain when you are under pressure.
• Uncover the unique performance challenges you face.
• Train your nervous system to react appropriately to those challenges.
• Strengthen the memories, beliefs, and reactions that get the results you want, and deactivate those that get in your way.
• Specifically pinpoint not only WHAT you want to do, but WHY and HOW you want to do it.
• Master the Eight Essential Skills for Performing at the Top of Your Game When the Pressure is On!
Both with a FREE companion fillable PDF worksheet packet available for download.

Paperback – $35.95
258 pages/8.5 x 11. With references, photos, graphics, activities, and worksheets.
Ebook – $29.99
Epub format, with references, photos, graphics, and activities. Please note: charts and graphics in the text are best viewed on computer or iPad screens.
Companion Worksheet Packet – FREE!
Fillable PDFs of the worksheets for PERFORMING AT THE TOP OF YOUR GAME.
Be sure to add this FREE companion worksheet packet to your order!
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